Tuesday, January 13, 2009

New Tip - Sharpie to the Rescue

There is a saying, use the right tool for the job. So many times when doing carpentry / building and working on the computers we try and go about it the easiest way, picking up whatever is close at hand, applying a bit of duct tape and making due. I learned along time ago things are usually easier when you spend the time or money and get the right tool.

This evening I stumbled across the right tool. This may not be new to some but it is to me. I was standing at the kitchen sink wet sanding the A-7 (because the basement is way too cold) and was looking for something that could help me identify if my sanding was taking care of the seams or not. I picked up a Sharpie and decided to draw a line down the seam with the intent of running a bit of sand paper across the top of it to identify where the bubbles and sinks were in the seams and putty. Low and behold I find that it is better than that. With the naked eye the sharpie made the spots stand out. Better yet, when I took a paper towel and wiped away the Sharpie, it made the spots even more clear because the parts below the surface that needed reworked were not wiped away and remained a deeper black. So, I took it a step deeper and found sanding the Sharpie off even revealed more.

Try it. The Sharpie will take the place of that first coat of primer it seems.

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