Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Ready, Set....

The group build rules say that we can't start the models until May 1 so we are going to wait for one more night (even though I am now itching to get started). If we can't start the model then what to do with ones self - how about research?

I have chosen to model F-111B 151972. I noted a couple of reasons in a previous post, but there are more that have come as a result of research.
1) The research has led me to realize that my favorite aircraft, the Grumman F-14 Tomcat may not have been had it not been for the cancellation of the F-111B. Additionally, the Tomcat served as the platform for all the good that came from the B 'vark failure, the AWG-9 radar and AIM-54 Phoenix missile system, the TF-30 engines, even the proposed Grumman TFX design. So, the F-111B build is now a tribute to the fleet defender that never was.
2) 151972 one of the Phoenix test platforms and what better way to show a model than loaded with a package of Phoenix.

So, what does it take to make '972? A whole bunch. Here is a list of things that I hope to demonstrate over the next few weeks - okay months and will result in a completed F-111B model:
1) Somehow we are going to come up with a way to build the shortened nose (and then maybe someone will buy my mold or design to cast a resin one).
2) Modify the wheels to the smaller version used by the Navy (42x13 vice 47x18 for the USAF)
3) Modify the forward landing gear to the navalized version
4) Add a tailhook
5) Modify the rear in three spots, the burner seperator and the two ECM cones on the fuselage
6) Intakes and forward intakes
7) Add the long wings
8) Add Phoenix missiles
9) Add weapons seperation cameras on wings and tail tip
10) Modify the cockpit including adding ejection seats vice the crew escape module
11) A cool feature to add if at all possible will be the crew access steps on one or both sides of under the cockpit.
12) Forward IR Detector
13) Add / Modify Various antennas

Tomorrow the fun will begin!

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